In the Star Wars universe, Han Solo had Chewie, Luke Skywalker had C-3P0, and romance-wise Han also had Leia; it seems Bioware wanted to bring the experience of have side-kicks and girl(boy)friends adventuring alongside you. Now this doesn't seem surprising; after all this is Bioware, known for making RPGs with character interactions since Baldur's Gate II. However, to bring the same level of character interaction to MMORPGs? That is whole other ballgame considering most of the action taken in other MMOs like World of Warcraft and Everquest is acquiring quests, killing x number amount of foozles, and attaining the next level and gear.
But count me excited. As much as it kind of sounds awkward to think about romancing an NPC, Bioware has been consistent in keeping up with companion interactions. But think about it: the choice of shooting blasters at a bunch with Sith cronies while your hot romantic interest joins the fight, making flirty small talk as you both blast your way to whatever objective? It sounds kind like a unique kind of awesome.
In an IGN article covering a quick interview with Bioware developer James Ohlen, the companions for each class in The Old Republic will supplement with the class' abilities. Not only that, the player also influence their actions while the companions themselves will try to influence vice-versa. The way this is done is similar to the Dragon Age system of Affection, which can be altered in any companion through actions, words, or gifts. The player can bring a companion to the Dark Side, or redeem a Dark-aligned companion towards the Light Side.
This sounds like it could fundamentally change how MMOs can be approached. I know that some gamers might disagree with the whole romance and companion thing, preferring that they themselves are the only important characters in the gameworld. The way I see it, it's going to make soloing less boring and a bit more interactive.
There's actually footage from E3 that shows the questing with companions:
Trooper and smuggler always shoots first when it comes to a Rodian scum.
Ah, but enough talk. I now know for certain that in a galaxy far far away, I have found my waifu.
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