That sounds like it could be awesome.
Friday, June 18, 2010
E3 Gametrailers Walkthrough video: Rift: Planes of Telara
That sounds like it could be awesome.
E3 Gametrailers Hunted: The Demon's Forge interview
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Tera Online E3 trailer
This "action" MMORPG is starting to look like it would be awesome and fun to play.
Gametrailers E3 Deus Ex: Human Revolution interview
Joystiq Dungeon Siege 3 preview
As someone who's predominately a console gamer, I wasn't particularly familiar with the Dungeon Siege franchise before I sat down for a peek at the third iteration deep within the recesses of Square-Enix's E3 booth. I knew it owed a lot to Diablo, but little else. Within the first seconds of seeing Dungeon Siege III, however, I knew that Obsidian's new take on the series had been designed with someone like me in mind.
The most obvious cue? The perspective, which has gone from the zoomed out view the series is most associated with, to a more traditional third-person action perspective right over the shoulder. The classic view is still available with just a button press, but most of the demo I saw zooms in tight on the lead character.
The message is pretty clear: This is the new face of Dungeon Siege, and it's doing its darndest to win me over.
E3 2010: Gothic 4: Arcania
There is also a Gamespot interview with Brian Cook from Dreamcatcher Interactive to talk about Arcania:
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
GamerTell: E3 2010 Warhammer 40K: Dark Millenium Online screenshots and trailers coverage
Vigil Games’ Warhammer 40,000: Dark Millennium Online had screenshots and a trailer made their debut this E3. Sure, not much in the way of details have been given yet. More details (in terms of the gameplay, playable classes and races, etc.) should start coming out by GamesCon. This is according to Vigil’s website.
If the screenshots and the trailer have anything to tell us, dear god. It looks like the iconic look and the mood of the game is done perfectly for one of the first times outside of strategy games. I know what some fans of the franchise are going to be wondering so Vigil, I’m going to throw this out there. Hopefully Tau, Necrons and Tyranids are also incorporated into the game. They’re hard to really capture in terms of gameplay, yes. However, they are just as integral to the franchise as the Imperium (Guard, Inquisition, Space Marines, etc), the Eldar, Chaos (daemons and Chaos Marines) and the Orks. Also to Vigil and THQ, from what was shown, kudos at putting together something this appealing.
I'm still a little skeptical on how they are going to pull this off, but if I can actually pilot a Titan... HOLY COW.
Here is the trailer for Warhammer 40K Dark Millenium Online:
Dragon Age DLC: Leliana's Song
Assume the role of Leliana, a young bard involved in a criminal ring that deals in political secrets. Accompanying her mentor Marjolaine on a high-risk mission, Leliana soon finds herself entangled in a game of intrigue that she cannot escape with just her beauty, charm, or stealth. The only way out of this game is to kill or be killed.
- Explore Leliana's dangerous past and why she joined the Chantry
- Fully voiced cinematic experience brings the characters to life
- Unlock a unique reward that transfers into your Awakening and Origins campaign
Having to pay more for a complete game makes me a humbug, at least Bioware is fleshing out their characters. Then again, Darth Vader was cool and intimidating until prequels took that away.
Darth Hater: E3 Interview - Bioware developer Daniel Erickson
Based on what I hearing so far, this is sounding a whole lot better than Star Wars Galaxies.
E3 Footage: Disciples III
What is also different is the combat system. In Disciples II, Combat was in a tranfixed area with simplistic controls in a round-based turn system. A unit was highlighted and was given two types of actions, a special move, or selection of target to attack. In Disciples III, there is now a grid-based system similar to the Heroes of Might & Magic combat system. You can now move your units like chess pieces across a grid.
Hopefully the changes in the combat system will work and integrate itself well in the game. For lovers of the strategy-RPG genre, the game will arrive in North America in July 2010. Visit the Disciples III website for more details.
Star Wars: The Old Republic - Romance and Companions in MMO's?

In the Star Wars universe, Han Solo had Chewie, Luke Skywalker had C-3P0, and romance-wise Han also had Leia; it seems Bioware wanted to bring the experience of have side-kicks and girl(boy)friends adventuring alongside you. Now this doesn't seem surprising; after all this is Bioware, known for making RPGs with character interactions since Baldur's Gate II. However, to bring the same level of character interaction to MMORPGs? That is whole other ballgame considering most of the action taken in other MMOs like World of Warcraft and Everquest is acquiring quests, killing x number amount of foozles, and attaining the next level and gear.
But count me excited. As much as it kind of sounds awkward to think about romancing an NPC, Bioware has been consistent in keeping up with companion interactions. But think about it: the choice of shooting blasters at a bunch with Sith cronies while your hot romantic interest joins the fight, making flirty small talk as you both blast your way to whatever objective? It sounds kind like a unique kind of awesome.
In an IGN article covering a quick interview with Bioware developer James Ohlen, the companions for each class in The Old Republic will supplement with the class' abilities. Not only that, the player also influence their actions while the companions themselves will try to influence vice-versa. The way this is done is similar to the Dragon Age system of Affection, which can be altered in any companion through actions, words, or gifts. The player can bring a companion to the Dark Side, or redeem a Dark-aligned companion towards the Light Side.
This sounds like it could fundamentally change how MMOs can be approached. I know that some gamers might disagree with the whole romance and companion thing, preferring that they themselves are the only important characters in the gameworld. The way I see it, it's going to make soloing less boring and a bit more interactive.
There's actually footage from E3 that shows the questing with companions: